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InfoMac v.11#67
Text File
1,782 lines
Info-Mac Digest Sat, 27 Mar 93 Volume 11 : Issue 67
Today's Topics:
"Hardware-Handshaking" Modem Cable
2 Print PostScript files on TI PS17?
3D dataset wanted (Q)
all you ever wanted to know about aliases (R)
ARA & modems (Q)
ARA Script sought
Bug-fix for System 7.1
Can localisation prevent US software being used in Europe? (Q)
Canon color printer problem
Cartridge mounting problems
Centris 610 & FPU
Color PowerBook(A) {I think}
C Programming on Macs (R)
DecNet & System 7.1 & Quadras... (2 msgs)
DeskPaint & DeskDraw v3.5 special offer
Dictionaries, add-ons in Microsoft Products (C)
E-mail address -> Compact Pro folks (R)
Experimental version of CEIAC
Fetch Shortcuts saved in Prefs file
FrameMaker and MacLinkPlus (Q)
Funky keyboard
Gopher Address for Info-Mac Archives
How do I auto-detect an FPU with Think C?
HP 4M vs LW Pro
HPGL graphics file conversion (Q)
Info-Mac Digest V11 #66 (4 msgs)
Keyboard-Mouse Problem on Duo (Q)
Large text files (C)
Laser Printers
Laser Printers (R) (2 msgs)
LaserWriter Drum Scratch
mac mud..
Macro program similar to QuicKeys?
MACSEE22.ZIP released
megabyte sized files
Menu item bug [R]
Min Boot Floppies
MS Word 6.0
Now Menus won't work (Q)
PiggyBack DA---where? (Q)
Printing Problems under System 7
Problems with Word 5.1 (A)
programmer's button restart in System 7
question submission
Reading e-mail at home (2 msgs)
Recycled Laser Printer Cartridges (R)
Recycled Toner Cartridges
SAM in the lab
SIMM socket in my Centris 650 (Q)
Slide-show viewer for GIFs?
slide making hardware
StuffIt Expander
System Software Memory Allocation Creeping Up (Q)
TAR utility for Mac?
tax rates
Text Processors
Typing tutor for kids (Q)
Under what rock?
Voice Nav & Dragon Dictate
What do I do with a TeX file?
What is thick Ethernet?
X Terminal software Demo?
Zapped PRAM has screwed up StartUpScreen (Q)
The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa.
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[]. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Date: 26 Mar 1993 11:25:51 -0600 (CST)
Subject: "Hardware-Handshaking" Modem Cable
From: NAME: Dr. Mark Patters
FUNC: Dentistry-Periodontology
To: IN%"Info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu"@MRGATE
Dear Netters,
I am in the market for a high speed modem, 14.4 bps, v32.bis, v42.bis, etc. I
keep reading that to use the higher transfer speeds, I will need a
"hard-to-find" hardware-handshaking cable for my Mac IIsi. Do these cables
standard with such modems? If not, where would I get one? Thanks in Advance.
Mark <mrpatters@utmem1.utmem.edu>
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 93 14:29:17 SET
From: Ronen Mir <RONEN%CERNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: 2 Print PostScript files on TI PS17?
I am unable to print Canvas 3.0 and other graphics documents on my
Texas Instruments microLaser PS17, at home.
Whenever I try to print such files I get these error messages:
Error: limitcheck; Offending command: setscreen.
a postscrip error has been generated by the laswerwriter extension file
the document is ok but cannot be printed.
the document (file.name) from canvas 3.0 could not be printer on printer
(printer.name) because of a postscript error.
I am using a MacIIsi, system software 7.1, printing software 7.1.2.
The same documents (transferred on a floppy), print with no problem
on the Apple Personal Laserwriter at my office. I have the same
system and printing software there.
Does anyone have any experience/ideas how to overcome this hurdle?
Thanx, Ronen.
"and I thaught the PS17 was a postscript laserwriter..."
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 09:44:17 +0100
From: Wim van Damme <wim@neuretp.biol.ruu.nl>
Subject: 3D dataset wanted (Q)
Dear networkers,
For our study to human 3D perception we like to use a 3D dataset (i.e. x,y,z
coordinates or polar coordinates or other coordinates) of a human face, hand
or torso or something like that. The problem is, we don't have one. We like to
it as a input for our home-made macintosh research environment.
Who can deliver us this data-set? We prefer plain text format, but either
is ok, as long as you specify what format it is, so we can figure out the
Please reply to: Wim@neuretp.biol.ruu.nl
Wim van Damme, Utrecht Biophysics Research Institute, The Netherlands.
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 15:33 GMT
From: Fergus Sullivan <FSULLIVN@vax1.tcd.ie>
Subject: Aliases--OOPS
Ah....It seems that virtually everything I wrote lately on the subject of
viruses is completely wrong.....
Full details, alude me, but can basically be summarized as follows: an alias
will find its parent file no matter what....
But why doesn't _that_ work?
Hanging head in shame,
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 11:12:01 +0100
From: Reinder Verlinde <reinder@neuretp.biol.ruu.nl>
Subject: all you ever wanted to know about aliases (R)
>Subject: All you ever wanted to know about aliases....
>It seems that my question of a week ago has generated a great deal of
>and subsequent comment. As a lot of this was mailed to me direct I'll now
>summarise all I've learnt....
Unfortunately the things you have learnt aren't true. I resisted from
your question at first, thinking you would get dozens of _good_ answers,
but alas... Here comes the true story (as far as I know). It is a bit long,
but I
think it should be directly in the digest since the faulty story, was too.
>To deal with this problem, System 7 incorporates Apple's Alias Manager. This
>invisible element of the system software tells all aliases present on a
>about all changes of name and location of all files, folders and online
>volumes. You can change the name of your Hard Disk from Joe's Hard Disk to
>Abraham Lincoln's Hard Disk and the alias manager will tell all aliases about
>what you've done. Move a Letter to Step-Aunt Lucy from Macintosh HD/Word
>Files/Letters/Personal to External HD/Excel/Commands/Solver Examples and the
>Alias Manager will keep track of what you're up to.
This is not entirely true. What really happens is this:
If you make an alias for a file the Mac assigns the file itself an unique
identifier. This identifier stays with it when you rename and/or move the
It is this identifier which is originally used to 'resolve' the alias. If the
original item can not be found (for instance because you deleted the item and
identifier with it and later restored it from floppy) the Alias Manager uses
different means to find the file.
It will use all kinds of information (file TYPE, file creator, file creation
relative and/or absolute path to the file) to find a file looking sufficiently
the old original. If it is found the found original gets a new unique
(unless it already has one, in which case the existing one is used) and the
information in the alias is updated, so that the file can be found faster and
reliably the next time around.
>If this happens, the alias is rendered USELESS unless you take
>following steps:
> 1. Return Letter to Step Aunt-Lucy to its usual home.
> 2. Insert the floppy with all the aliases.
> 3. Now move Letter to Step-Aunt Lucy back to its new home in the
> Excel folder.
> 4. Remove the floppy. The aliases should now behave as normal.
This is not true. Try it out yourself. For an alias to loose track of its
while the original still exists in some form the original must been deleted
later restored and the location and/or name of the original must have changed
significantly (changing the TYPE and the creation date of a file may be
changing the date a disk is formatted using some utility will also be fairly
effective since this date is used as a kind of ID for a hard disk)
In short, aliases are even better than most people think. The only real
'problem' I
have with them is the way aliases are resolved over a network. If you change
name of your Macintosh using the 'Sharing SetUp' control panel _no_ alias will
able to find an original on your hard-disk over the network anymore.
>Hope that answers all the questions.
Hope this really does ;-)
Reinder Verlinde
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 93 17:42:03 PST
From: jbthoo@ucdavis.edu (John Thoo)
Subject: ARA & modems (Q)
When using AppleTalk Remote Access, is it preferable (necessary?) to
have the same make modem on each end? Or is it only required that each
modem have its appropriate CCL file? (BTW, for what does `CCL' stand?)
J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis <jb2@math.ucdavis.edu>
Date: 27 Mar 1993 00:24:13 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: ARA Script sought
A friend of mine needs a script to use a Quicktel XEBA v.32bis/v.42bis
modem with AppleTalk Remote Access. Has anyone got such a critter or know
where they live??
Fred Condo + condof@cgsvax.claremont.edu + condof@clargrad.bitnet
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 93 14:29:16 EST
From: Don DeMaio <DONDE@BROWNVM.brown.edu>
Subject: Bug-fix for System 7.1
Has anyone heard anything about a bug-fix disk for System 7.1 that Apple
supposedly is preparing to mail out?
A knowledgeable CompUSA salesperson told me the store does not sell 7.1
because of too many bugs, although he said that may change after Apple
releases its bug-fix disk next week.
I use and enjoy 7.1, but am now starting to get weird crashes. For instance,
several people I know (myself included) are now getting "Application unknown
has unexpectedly quit beause of a Type 1 error" crashes. What the heck is
an "application unknown" anyway?
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 15:39 GMT
From: Fergus Sullivan <FSULLIVN@vax1.tcd.ie>
Subject: Can localisation prevent US software being used in Europe? (Q)
I have lately been told that the way Fifth Generation (Salient?) prevent their
US software being used in Europe is related to the software checking ROMs to
see if they are American ROMs or European, thus ensuring that Europeans are
obliged to buy software here at inflated prices, rather than ordering from
Can anyone confirm if this is true. In my undergraduate days, virtually
everyone used bootleg American software without encountering any problems
than US English spellcheckers instead of UK English. I still see US versions
of software of various Macs around the place. None seem to show any
ill-effects for it.
Fergus Sullivan
Trinty College Dublin.
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 17:32:22 GMT
From: Borre Ludvigsen <borrel@sigallah.dhhalden.no>
Subject: Canon color printer problem
A picture of a blue sphere hovering over a blue square plate on a black
background has been rendered in Stratavision. I save it as a tiff file and
import it into Pagemaker. Some white text is added and my wonderful poster is
sent to a Canon color printer/copier. The result? My clear, glassy blues with
beautiful reflections are now a disappointing few shades of rather muddy
violet. The printshop people tell me that when the tiff is brought into
Photoshop and the colors anaylzed, they all display warning trangles and are
unprintable. When I convert from RGB to CMYK, I get the same awful violet
result on the screen. What am I doing wrong and how do I get my picture
printed? A small sample of the image is posted in the UPLOAD directory of
ftp.dhhalden.no for a helpful soul to inspect as nn.sit.hqx.txt or .bin. I'b
very grateful if you have any help to offer by email.
Barre Ludvigsen <borrel@dhhalden.no> Ostfold Regional College - Norway
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1993 23:55:39 PST
From: "Don W." <webbd@CCVAX.CCS.CSUS.EDU>
Subject: Cartridge mounting problems
Help! I can't mount two of my SyQuest 44-mb cartridges.
Symptoms: Cartridges named "Gamma" and "Delta" boot up and are
recorded on my SCSI mounters (QuickMount 1.03, SCSI Tools 1.0,
and SCSI Probe 3.5).
However, the "mount" command causes one of four things to
1) the Finder quits (SCSI Probe)
2) the system hangs (SCSI Tools)
3) a "bad F-line" or "out of memory" error message appears
4) "Delta" mounts but the Finder says the disk cannot be found.
Configuration: LC II 4/80 running a couple of rows of extensions but
nothing record-breaking. "About this Mac" shows more than 2 mb
of memory free.
Anomalies: Cartridge "Beta," the oldest of the three, mounts
smoothly. It is also very nearly full.
At one point "Delta" did mount, and I managed to salvage its files. I
reformatted the disk. There were no bad blocks. I haven't been able
to do anything with "Gamma."
MicroNet's utility says there is not enough memory to load the disk,
and I've reset the start-up memory from 128k to 250k, to no avail.
It seems pointless to increase it any further, since "Beta" works
normally. I've also reinstalled the drivers on "Gamma" and "Delta,"
but no luck.
If anyone has any ideas, could you please copy to me offlist.
Don W. (DonWebb@CSUS.Edu)
Date: 25 Mar 1993 21:28:38 -0500 (EST)
From: "Bill Doemel, Director of Computer Services"
Subject: Centris 610 & FPU
I am getting ready to purchase 30 Macintosh computers on which Mathematica-
enhanced, MathCAD, Maple and Excel will be used primarily. When I started
this process there was only the IIci, now the IIci is gone and there is the
IIVX, the 610 and the 650. Speed reports suggest that the 610 is much
faster than the IIVX which is equal or slower than the IIci. However the
610 doesn't have an FPU. The 650 with the FPU adds $30,000 to the cost, too
much. Any suggestions? Please send direct and I will summarize.
Bill Doemel,Director of Computer Services, Wabash College (317)-364-4311
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1993 22:55:12 EST
From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ%WVNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Color PowerBook(A) {I think}
Anders Alvers asked:
> Is there anybody out there who have heard of a color PB180 coming this
> summer?
At our Academic Computing Fair this afternoon I asked that question
of our Apple rep. With a sly smile, he replied, "Active matrix color
PowerBook? Yup. Be here in May."
I responded that it might be announced in May, but it would be
September before anyone could get their greasy hands on one. "Don't
think so." was his reply. "We (Apple) have three vendors producing
active matrix displays for this baby because our old active matrix
vendor couldn't make enough in one year to meet a month's worth of
our orders for the PB 170/180 displays."
Fact or fiction? You decide. I'm only reporting what he said.
Jeffrey Fritz
West Virginia University
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 11:36:39 +0100
From: Reinder Verlinde <reinder@neuretp.biol.ruu.nl>
Subject: C Programming on Macs (R)
>bit sleeker, Think C is a less expensive alternative that is a bit faster and
>is a C with objects that is compatible with C++ (it is missing operator
>overloading and has tight constructor restrictions, plus some more obscure
>missing C++ features) and the word is that a full C++ version is in beta. The
>Think products are all put out by Symantec, the company that now also owns
>Zortech's C++ systems and the DOS Multiscope debugger (i.e. this is not a
Just to add my 0.02 cents: Think C definitely is a better environment for
non-professionals, but
- its compiler doesn't issue any warnings, ever
- its compiler is fast, but stops on the first error encountered
- its current object oriented C is definitely not C++. Among the
'more obscure missing C++ features' is the streams library.
On the plus side:
+ Think C++ is said to be in development
+ Think is easier to use than MPW
On the other side is MPW:
- it is big, indeed, but it isn't too big. You can have a full-featured
system with
compilers for C, C++, Pascal and an assembler, a symbolic debugger and the
in about 20MB of disk space (at least that's what I think it takes; I
checked it lately) and it runs comfortably in about 4MB (more for C++).
With this
you also have Unox-like utilities like sed, a grep-clone, make, source code
- it compiles slowly, although this can be remedied somewhat by precompiling
+ it allows mixing of Assembly, C, C++, Pascal, Fortran (Fortran available
third party developers)
+ the compiler is not a pre-release. There are prerelease versions hanging
around all
the time (i.e. bug fixes are sometimes sent out on developer CD's), but
there always
is an official release)
+ the compiler issues warnings and errors. Some error messages are somewhat
('too many errors on one line; use fewer' and 'a typedef at this place was
a complete
surprise to me' come to mind)
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 09:07:15 +0100
From: Elliot Bennett <Elliot.Bennett@europa.rs.kp.dlr.de>
Subject: DecNet & System 7.1 & Quadras...
I mentioned a while back that I was having problems with DecNet and System
I've since been informed by DEC in Germany that DecNet for Macintosh and
System 7.1 are incompatible on a number of machines. Apparently Quadras (both
700 and 800) are included in this list. I was also informed that Pathworks
2 will be out in April and this should fix this problem.
I was just curious: is there ANYONE out there using System 7.1 on either a
Quadra 700 OR 800 successfully (maybe I've just not installed something
properly) and/or has anyone else had this problem (it would be nice to know
that, at the very least, I'm not alone)?
Thanks in advance for any replies...
Elliot Bennett
DLR, Cologne, Germany
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 14:56:38 +0100
From: Elliot Bennett <Elliot.Bennett@europa.rs.kp.dlr.de>
Subject: DecNet & System 7.1 & Quadras...
I mentioned a while back that I was having problems with DecNet and System
I've since been informed by DEC in Germany that DecNet for Macintosh and
System 7.1 are incompatible on a number of machines. Apparently Quadras (both
700 and 800) are included in this list. I was also informed that Pathworks
2 will be out in April and this should fix this problem.
I was just curious: is there ANYONE out there using System 7.1 on either a
Quadra 700 OR 800 successfully (maybe I've just not installed something
properly) and/or has anyone else had this problem (it would be nice to know
that, at the very least, I'm not alone)?
Thanks in advance for any replies...
Elliot Bennett
DLR, Cologne, Germany
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 11:59:27 -0500
From: Arel Yizhak Weisberg <weisberg@phoenix.Princeton.EDU>
Subject: DeskPaint & DeskDraw v3.5 special offer
I just received in the mail an offer for DeskPaint & DeskDraw v3.5 for
$29.95. Does anyone out there have experience with these programs? The
flyer claims that the program got a 4.5 mouse rating from MacUser but I
can't find the issue with the review - Anybody know which one it is?
Mostly I'm looking for a program like Canvas - i.e. one that lets you
move and edit objects instead of just drawing.
Arel Weisberg
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 19:12:21 -0500
From: Charlie.Mingo@p4218.f70.n109.z1.fidonet.org (Charlie Mingo)
Subject: Dictionaries, add-ons in Microsoft Products (C)
Fergus Sullivan <FSULLIVN@vax1.tcd.ie> writes:
> Are Microsoft wasting 2Mb of space on their customer's disks?
> I have installed Word 5.1a, Excel 4.0 and PowerPoint 3.0 on
> my Mac. All are Microsoft products. All use translators. All
> use other add-ons. However, none of them seem to use the same
> translators, dictionaries and other add-ons.
You are far from the first person to notice this. MS has acknolwedged
that things are not as they should be, and has indicated that this will
be changed when Word 6 is released. Excel 4 already puts its spelling
files in a "Microsoft" folder in the Extensions folder.
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 93 20:50:50 PST
From: jbthoo@ucdavis.edu (John Thoo)
Subject: E-mail address -> Compact Pro folks (R)
On 25 Mar 93 <dfhdf@charon.dfh.dk> asked:
> Does enyone have the e-mail address to mail to with bug reports and/or
> suggestions to Compact Pro. I can't seem to find it anywhere - in fact I
> don't even know if it exists :-(
You want Bill Goodman <71101.204@compuserve.com>, whom I've always found
very responsive to e-mail queries.
J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis <jb2@math.ucdavis.edu>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 10:31 CST
From: <SWAECHTER%UTMEM1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Eagle
Does anyone know where I could get a good "eagle"? I have SuperPaint 3.0, so
can handle PICT, TIFF, MacPaint, etc. Any leads on where I could find an
for downloading would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Steve Waechter
swaechter@utmem2 (bitnet)
swaechter@utmem2.utmem.edu (internet)
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 93 10:36 EST
From: Jeffrey L. Needleman <needje@msen.com>
Subject: Experimental version of CEIAC
Here's some info from "pfterry" <pfterry@MSMail.kgs.ukans.edu>:
>I've uploaded an experimental version of CEIAC to syrinx.kgs.ukans.edu.
>find it in /ftp/quickeys/fromCE/newceiac.sit.hqx.
>Here's Don Brown's comment to Dave Winer.
>"Dave, here's a copy of CEIAC that you may put on your support forums,
>you flag it as a highly-experimental version that will expire on 9/1/93. You
>can put it in your public libraries (not just for NDA'd people). It's for
>people who have been getting the crashes with sending AppleEvents to
>Please ask those who download to send me their results, even if there is no
>change (the knowledge that "this didn't fix it" is important)."
>Check it out if you've been having problems running QuicKeys macros from
>Frontier scripts.
By the way, there is a subscribable list for quickeys users:
To subscribe, send listserv@syrinx.kgs.ukans.edu the message:
Subscribe Quickeys Your Name
Jeff Needleman <needje@msen.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 14:32:41 GMT
From: peter@cujo.curtin.edu.au (Peter N Lewis)
Subject: Fetch Shortcuts saved in Prefs file
>not a problem yet. I sure would prefer it if the prefs were kept in the
>same folder with the application.
Unfortunately, this is not generally an acceptable solution. An
application should NEVER write to itself or its folder because that
folder is quite likely to be on a write protected AppleShare volume, or
a CD ROM or some other non-writable area.
The "correct" solution is for Fetch (and other apps) to allow you to
double click a prefs file and use that instead of the one in the prefs
folder. Not many apps do this as far as I know (certainly none of mine
do :-). Eudora is one example of an app that does this quite well to
allow multiple people to use it with different prefs on the same
Peter N Lewis <peter@ncrpda.curtin.edu.au> Ph: +61 9 368 2055
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 93 16:25:34 +0100
From: bernabe@cnm.us.es (Bernabe Linares B.)
Subject: FrameMaker and MacLinkPlus (Q)
Hello there,
I have MacLinkPlus 6.0 running on a Macintosh II/si (with operating
system E1-7.0). I often use it to translate FrameMaker MIF 3.0 to
(and from) Microsoft Word 5.0 files. I have FrameMaker 3.0 on a
Sparc WorkStation (UNIX) and Word 5.0 on that Mac.
Well, unless the file is text-only (no equations or figures), the
translation procedure is a pain: it crashes almost always. One time,
after one of the crashes, the directory structure of my Hard Drive got
corrupted and I had to initialize the whole HD.
Does anyone out there have experience with MacLinkPlus translating to/from
FrameMaker MIF format? Am I missing something? Any option set wrong?
Is there an update for MacLinkPlus that may overcome this?
If you have any idea or clue of something I might be doing wrong, please
let me know. Thanks a lot,
Dr. Bernabe Linares-Barranco
National Microelectronics Center (CNM)
Ed. CICA, Av. Reina Mercedes s/n
41012 Sevilla, SPAIN.
Phone: 34-5-4623811
Fax: 34-5-4624506
E-mail: bernabe@cnm.us.es
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 15:31:21 CST
Subject: Funky keyboard
Hello, everyone. A while back, I saw a mention somewhere of a new
Mac keyboard design that's sort of three-dimensional. You place it
between your palms like an accordian, with your hands facing
inward. Does this ring a bell with anyone? Is this something
actually in production, or just a gleam in some developer's eye?
I'm in the market for an ergonomic keyboard, and this one sounded
great to me. TIA for any info.
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 09:33:09 -0500
From: Ed Ver Hoef <verhoef@europa.eng.gtefsd.com>
Subject: Gopher Address for Info-Mac Archives
In response to your request in infomacv11-65 regarding a gopher address for
the info-mac archive, I use turbogopher from the University of Minnesota. I
have two server addresses: gopher.tc.umn.edu, port 70 and gopher2.tc.umn.edu,
port 70. I hope this helps.
Ed Ver Hoef
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 11:19:26 -0500
From: willus@ilm.pfc.mit.edu (William L Menninger)
Subject: How do I auto-detect an FPU with Think C?
I'm not very familiar with compiling C codes on the Macintosh, but my
lab is purchasing more Macs, and people want to run numerics codes on
them, thus my problem. I want to compile a C program with Think C 5.0
that auto-detects an FPU. That is, if an FPU is available, the program
uses it for all math operations and library calls, and if not, the
program emulates the FPU in software. I don't want to have to put any
special conditionals in my program. On IBM PCs with Turbo C and Amigas
with any C compiler, this is a snap, but the Think C manual does not
present any obvious solution. I know I can make two different versions
of the same program, but I want one version of the program that can run
(as efficiently as possible) on any Mac.
Please e-mail all answers to me at willus@ilm.pfc.mit.edu.
-Will Menninger
MIT grad student
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 93 09:26:17 PDT
From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: HP 4M vs LW Pro
In Regards to your letter <199303250200.AA10246@nwnexus.wa.com>:
> If PCL/PS auto-switching is an important to you it would be worth
> double-checking that the Apple models can do it. I just chose the HP
> over the Apples because in my research I read that the Apple models
> could emulate PCL but not do auto-switching. Sorry, I can't remember
> the source of that information. I am pleased with the HP so far.
The LW Pro 630 spec sheet says...
Simultaneous connection to Ethernet, LocalTalk, Centronics parallel,
and RS-232 serial ports.
Simultaneous connection to Macintosh MS-DOS, and Windows computing
Adobe PostScript Level 2 software and HP LaserJet IIP (PCL4+) emulation.
and from the text...
"All ports stay active so you can send documents to any port without
having to change a single setting."
I don't know if that means auto-switching exactly or not, but it seems
to imply just that.
cheers ... -Adam
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 94 13:05:15 GMT
From: P Browning <Paul.Browning@bristol.ac.uk>
Subject: HPGL graphics file conversion (Q)
I've got a feeling this came up not long along so apologies
for going over old ground if it did.
I know of ways of converting HPGL files to some flavour of
Mac graphics file format but they all involve a PC or Unix.
Is there any method of doing it exclusively on the Mac?
Paul Browning
Dept of Geology
Univ. of Bristol, UK
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 13:33:55 +1000
From: c.mclaughlin@uws.edu.au (Colin McLaughlin)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #66
At 5:10 PM 25/3/93 -0800, The Moderators wrote:
>Date: Thu, 25 Mar 93 16:22:16 MDT
>From: Alonso Castro <acx@loco.lanl.gov>
>Subject: Command-key question
>Does anybody know how to assign a Command-key to the
>"Hide <active application>" item in the Application
>menu (upper right corner)?
>I have browsed the fmnu Finder resource with ResEdit
>(and the appropriate template) but couldn't figure out a way.
>Thanks in advance.
System 7 Pack written Adam Stein and available on SUMEX will allow to you
do this.
Colin McLaughlin
University of Western Sydney
Booloobidja Aboriginal Education Centre
61 2 772 9415 PHONE 61 2 792 3747 FAX
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 13:42:38 +1000
From: c.mclaughlin@uws.edu.au (Colin McLaughlin)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #66
At 5:10 PM 25/3/93 -0800, The Moderators wrote:
>Date: Thu, 25 Mar 93 14:12:51 -0500
>From: Michael Grabenstein <mikeg@asylum.gsfc.nasa.gov>
>Subject: DART 1.5.1 (Q)
> I had heard that it was possible for dart to mount its image
>files under system 7 if it was running in the background, is this
>true? If so how is such a wonderful option excuted?
Can someone tell me where DART 1.5.1 can be found. I have seen it referred
to several times but have been unable to locate it at any site or via an
archie search.
Colin McLaughlin
University of Western Sydney
Booloobidja Aboriginal Education Centre
61 2 772 9415 PHONE 61 2 792 3747 FAX
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 14:10:15 +1000
From: c.mclaughlin@uws.edu.au (Colin McLaughlin)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #66
At 5:10 PM 25/3/93 -0800, The Moderators wrote:
>Date: Thu, 25 Mar 93 13:15:45 MST
>From: sharmony@nova.ta52.lanl.gov (Stephen C. Harmony)
>Subject: icon lock and resize (A)
>> Also, with all the drag-n-drop applications littering my desktop is there a
>> way to make just the names appear (ie. with no icon) or reduce the icon
>> size? I also remember seeing this discussed but at the time I thought that
>> there would be no way I'd have that many utilities to bother about. I
>> suppose another monitor would solve the problem :-)
>Easy as pie. Just paste a little piece of plain white (select a white region
>in MacPaint and copy) over the icon in the Get Info... window. Presto! Icon
>Steve Harmony
>Los Alamos, NM USA
Halfway there only. The Icon disappears for sure but you can no longer
drag-n-drop onto it. You can only open it from the menu.
Colin McLaughlin
University of Western Sydney
Booloobidja Aboriginal Education Centre
61 2 772 9415 PHONE 61 2 792 3747 FAX
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 06:11:01 -0500
From: maynard@msc.cornell.edu
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #66
Someone complained about saving JPEGs with JPEGview then not being able to
open the PICTs. This happens whenever the image is greyscale. I suspect the
problem may be in QuickTime cause I've had it happen in other programs.
And, just to help other people---something like it is there in PhotoShop
2.5! The PhotoShop 2.5 bug is different, but will give you a strange (ie
not particularly usable) output file if you save a greyscale image as a
JPEG compressed PICT and the image width is not a multiple of 8 bits.
(Anyone who knows how JPEG works will of course now immediately realise the
nug in Adobe's code.)
Maynard Handley
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 93 17:28:33 +0100
From: Johan Solve <u90js@hh.se>
Subject: Keyboard-Mouse Problem on Duo (Q)
I have a problem with my recently purchased Duo 230 with Duo Dock.
If I press a key when moving the mouse slowly, the mouse pointer jumps
2-3 inches on the screen. This is very annoying
This problem occurs with any mouse connected to the Dock or the Duo itself,
but it doesn't occur with the trackball.
I would like to know if anybody else have heard of this problem before I ask
my reseller to change the motherboard.
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 14:51:57 GMT
From: peter@cujo.curtin.edu.au (Peter N Lewis)
Subject: Large text files (C)
Bill Wing writes:
>time). Alpha wouldn't do it, but BBEdit was perfectly happy to. BBEdit
>opened my 5MB file in its default 512kB partition. BBEdit is also
Last time I checked, BBEdit was memory limited, so you couldn't edit a
5M file with a partition less than 5M, someone can correct me if I'm
wrong, but I don't think Rich has done that yet...
None the less, BBEdit is indeed a very good editor.
Peter N Lewis <peter@ncrpda.curtin.edu.au> Ph: +61 9 368 2055
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1993 13:04:40 GMT
From: photo@theporch.raider.net
Subject: Laser Printers
Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
>I'm in the market for a low cost laser printer, and I'd like to hear any
>reactions to the new DECLASER 1152. Well, any reactions? Also, I've seen the
>QMS PS-410 for cheap. And lastly, has anyone encountered the QMS ColorScript
>100? That would be a nice toy, and I've seen one advertised for fairly
Nothing wrong with the QMS PS-410. I've run one to death for over a year with
no problem. Get good support from QMS too. I think you can get rebuilt ones
for about $600 or $700 now.
David Anderson
nashville TN
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 93 20:46:47 PST
From: jbthoo@ucdavis.edu (John Thoo)
Subject: Laser Printers (R)
On 25 Mar 93 Soell, Oliver <SOELL@DICKINSON.EDU> asked:
> I'm in the market for a low cost laser printer, and I'd like to hear any
> reactions to the new DECLASER 1152. Well, any reactions?
The May93 Macworld gave it 4 stars.
J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis <jb2@math.ucdavis.edu>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 18:12:04 -0600
From: nem52463@sumter.cso.uiuc.edu
Subject: Laser Printers (R)
Hello again!
Oliver Soell is looking for a low-cost laser printer, as I was until
about a week ago. I picked up a DECLaser 1152 through mail order,
and I love it! It hooked up easy, with virtually no fuss, and seems
to work very well. Blacks are very rich, and the thing is fairly
quiet. All in all, it was money well spent.
Hurry, though - if you order before 31 March 1993, you get a free
toner cartridge and a rebate coupon for $100 off; this brings the
price down to $999.00 (the Mac cable, a standard DIN8 to DIN8, cost
me an extra $18.00 or so). This is a great printer, and quite a good
You may also want to consider the paper tray attachment (about $180)
and or the font cartridge (I think this expands the printer's built
in 17 fonts to somewhere out around 45 or so, and costs about $250).
Basic stats: 4ppm, PostScript Level 2, HP PCL4, built-in port
switching for use in Mac/DOC environments (this works well; my
roommate has a PC, and we've got it hooked up as well as my Mac).
Hope this helps!
Neil E. Mickelson
P.S. I don't work for DEC; they just made a nice printer!
Documentation needs work, though...
Date: 26 Mar 1993 23:22:39 -0800
From: sgruby@FENRIS.CLAREMONT.EDU (Scott Allen Gruby)
Subject: LaserWriter Drum Scratch
>Date: Wed, 24 Mar 93 21:02:08 EST
>From: Arthur.Greene@p6.f204.n2603.z1.ieee.org (Arthur Greene)
>Subject: Laserwriter drum scratch
>The drum, or cylinder on my laserwriter (Apple Personal Laserwriter LS) has
>somehow acquired a tiny scratch or nick, which produces a little pattern of
>flyspecks at regular intervals down the page. Is there a treatment short of
>replacing the cartridge?
>Thanks, all.
Unfortunately, the only solution I have seen is to replace the cartridge. I
had the same problem with my LaserWriter IINT and called the manufacturer
of the cartridge (Hewlett Packard) and they sent me a new one free of
charge. (A company with pretty good customer service, unlike Apple.)
Scott Allen Gruby sgruby@fenris.claremont.edu
Macintosh Student System Administrator
Academic Computing, Harvey Mudd College
Claremont, CA 91711
Date: 26 Mar 1993 15:35:59 -0800
From: A mind in motion <FSJFD1@acad3.alaska.edu>
Subject: mac mud..
I have some questions...I have a macintosh computer, and I was
wondering If I somehow got a mud on my hard drive (god knows how,
since I telnet via
my VAX account..) could i set it up to run where I would be the sole player
and wizard, in order to debug, and code, to set it up at a later date?
please enlighten me...
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 93 14:58:06 GMT
From: A.D'Emanuele@manchester-computing-centre.ac.uk
Subject: Macro program similar to QuicKeys?
I am looking for a program that will allow me to program a sequence of
commands (or key sequences) into just one key press similar to QuicKeys,
but without all the other features. Anyone have any suggestions, Regards
Tony D'Emanuele.
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 93 10:41 EST
From: Jeffrey L. Needleman <needje@msen.com>
Subject: MACSEE22.ZIP released
There's a new version (version 2.2) of the shareware program MacSEE which
reads and writes Macintosh high density floppies AND Mac-formatted hard
drives (including Syquest drives) on a PC. Here's the announcement:
>I have uploaded to WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil and OAK.Oakland.Edu:
>MACSEE22.ZIP Read/write Macintosh disks on PC. DOS & WIN3.x
>MacSEE reads/writes Macintosh disks on a PC and includes both DOS and
>Windows versions. MacSEE 2.2 is our final shareware update to the MacSEE
>product. It was released to fix a bug that some people have encountered
>where the system just hangs while transferring a file. This would occur
>on systems equipped with DPMI 1.0 as opposed to DPMI 0.9.
>Alan Reeve
Jeff Needleman <needje@msen.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 13:59:42 EST
From: chyde@chesapeake.ads.com (Clinton Hyde)
Subject: MacTCP
I need to get MacTCP. having lost some info I used to have about
how/where, could someone tell me? I recently saw a note suggesting it
is ftp'able, but I don't know precisely where.
as always, please reply direct...
-- clint chyde@ads.com
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 93 09:31:19 PDT
From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: megabyte sized files
In Regards to your letter <199303250200.AA10246@nwnexus.wa.com>:
> * "Any word processor should be able to handle it given enough memory".
> Although i haven't exhaustively tried every editor, i can vouch that
> Nisus, the various MacWrites, WordPerfect, Alpha and a number of others
> will just refuse to open a megabyte size file or do so with excruiating
> slowness regardless of the amount of memeory you allocate to them. Others
> experience may be different.
Now that's interesting - I've open at least 1.6 MB text file in Nisus
and performed a global Find/Replace on it. I can't remember how much
memory I gave Nisus, but it could easily have been 5 MB. Actually
the file was a test, since Word choked on it no matter how much memory
you gave it.
Nisus was indeed slow at opening such a massive file, and the Find/Replace
took a long time as well, but it worked. No way around that...
If your files were in a rigid text format, like Info-Mac's digest
format, you could use Easy View perhaps.
cheers ... -Adam
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 11:13:00 PST
From: dfhdf@charon.dfh.dk
Subject: Menu item bug [R]
Hey there!
Your problem with Get Info is probably due to SpeedyFinder. I have
trashed SpeedyFinder7 (v1.54) myself, because of the same problems. As soon
as I done that (after a restart of course) the problems disappeared like
Too bad about the bugs because SpeedyFinder7 is a great idea, that I'd like
to use.
I tried restarting using only Apple's own system 7 ext's and cp's on my
Classic, but nothing helped - still the same problems.
I'm looking forward to a new version fixing these bugs.
Hope this helps you in your search 4 the guilty program :-)
M. Sidelmann (dfhdf@charon.dfh.dk)
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 08:12:31 -0500
From: daveh@msd.measurex.com (Dave Hirsh)
Subject: Min Boot Floppies
Has anybody been able to successfully use the 7.0 or 7.1 installer to create
a minimal boot floppy ?? I've tried it for a PB170 and Q700 and in both cases
the installer goes through the first few steps/disk insertions then quits and
says the install cannot be completed. Regular installs work fine. Any ideas
Dave Hirsh
Measurex Corp.
Date: 27 Mar 93 16:24 +0100
From: Giulio Trillo' <trillo%urz.unibas.ch@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: MS Word 6.0
recently I've read somewhere that version 6.0 of Word will be
out furing the next summer. On word-mac list a Microsoft rep.
said that "he will not spread any rumor before time". (Usual
disclaimer from his side)
Anyone else, not involved with Microsofot could be more
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 93 17:32:51 +0100
From: Johan Solve <u90js@hh.se>
Subject: Now Menus won't work (Q)
When I am selecting a document from a Now Menus sub-menu, the document won't
open if the application is already open. Why is that?
Now Menus version 4.0.1.
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 93 20:44:40 PST
From: jbthoo@ucdavis.edu (John Thoo)
Subject: PiggyBack DA---where? (Q)
On 25 Mar 1993 Bill Stewart-Cole <cole@alexia.lis.uiuc.edu> said:
> The critical unnatural mate
> is a application wrapper called DA PiggyBack (by Kerry Clenndining if memory
> serves) that will consume a DA and yield a real application. The resulting
> 'McSink application' can then have it's memory partition upped to ungodly
> heights, and huge files may be loaded up.
Where can I grab PiggyBack DA. I'd very much like to convert my Quill DA
(indispensible) into a bona fide app. Thanks.
J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis <jb2@math.ucdavis.edu>
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1993 02:35:30 GMT
From: astein@nysernet.ORG (Alan Stein)
Subject: Printing Problems under System 7
A few months ago, I reported a problem with very slow printing to a
networked Imagewriter II using System 7. It would print a line, and
then wait for a minute or more before printing the next line. Nobody
came up with an answer.
I finally solved the problem by increasing the memory allocated to the
program I was printing from above the recommended amount.
Alan H. Stein astein@israel.nysernet.org
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 22:10:16 EST
From: "Paul D. Bain" <pdbain@ufcc.ufl.edu>
Subject: Problems with Word 5.1 (A)
>A colleague of mine has just installed Word 5.1 on her LC. Every time
>she tries to use Find File the machine crashes without a message.
I suggest trashing the Word Preferences file for Word 5. I had a friend
who had this problem on her computer, tried everything to fix it w/o
success. Until I threw out the preferences file. Then Word recreated the
file next time it started and no more crash!
Note: throwing out the preferences file destroys many types of settings.
All of them can be set back to your previous configuration, but you must
do it manually again.
--Rick @ pdbain
Date: Friday, 26 Mar 1993 11:16:54 EST
From: m22182@mwvm.mitre.org (DUANE HARTGE (dhartge@mitre.org))
Subject: programmer's button restart in System 7
I have a code string for System 6 that will restart the finder from
the command line interface that appears when the programmer's switch
on my IIci is pressed. That way when the system hangs, I could at least
get to the other applications and save whatever was open before rebooting.
The command "SM 0 A9F4 <CR>" followed by "G 0 <CR>" doesn't seem to work
for System 7 (I didn't really expect it to). Is there an equivalent?
* DUANE (DHartge@mitre.org)
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 0:19:57 HST
From: John Churchill <churchil@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu>
Subject: question submission
I am interested in how one may make a file unmovable, that is, not be able to
copy it, erase it, modify it or even move it to another folder, yet still be
able to use it (as as an application or a data file). I am familiar with
Norton's tools for changing bits, but this protection goes beyond that. Does
anyone know how, or can refer me to a good book on the subject? Thanks.
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 21:09:53 EST
From: Pete Tamas <GNOME%TEMPLEVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Reading e-mail at home
> I'm using a VM/CMS system, with R. A. Schaffer (Rice)
> Mail-90 program. Every mail from MAC-L comes with
> a first screenful page of Received: From... tag lines of
> very little interest to me. Since I'm connected to a
> _s_l_o_w_ 1200 baud modem, I'd find very handy
> to discard all these lines before they get displayed.
> Do you know some XEDIT macro or other I can put
> in my PROFILE MAIL or anywhere else to have this
> done? (Why can't we connect our Macs straight to Internet!!!)
Why don't you download make a text file of your electronic
mail, dowload it and read it in a word processor? That's what
I do.-Pete Tamas
Gnome@VM.Temple.EDU, Temple Univ, Philadelphia (betw New York & Wash DC)
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 93 05:56:37 GMT
From: Jean Berthomieu <BERTHOMS%frbdx11.cicbx.fr@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Reading e-mail at home
Thanks to Mark R. Williamson, I could tell our system manager to update R.A
Shaffer's Mail program to a newer version (92.01.03). This one is more user
friendly and I can choose which tags lines I want to display. This is a
better solution than downloading every message, because I'm still online
while reading them, so I can possibly reply to them ;-)
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 10:08:05 CST
Subject: Recycled Laser Printer Cartridges (R)
Josephine Colmenares asks:
>We currently use SpringPoint recycled laser toner cartridges. Has anyone
>else had experience with them (good or bad)? Also, in general, are recycled
>cartridges "inferior" to new cartridges?
Well, we haven't had very good luck with recycled cartridges in our
Personal LaserWriter IINT ( which is actually now an NTR thanks to an
upgrade a couple days ago - yea!). We've tried three of them, and they
just don't cut it. Large black areas in graphics are no longer solid
black but patchy grey in places. Even text has tiny 'pinholes' in the
characters where there's no ink.
When the recycled cart now in the machine dies, I'm going to go back to
buying them new. IMO, it's worth the extra $$.
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 09:50:19 +0100
From: karl@uz.kuleuven.ac.be (Karl Pottie)
Subject: Recycled Toner Cartridges
>We currently use SpringPoint recycled laser toner cartridges. Has anyone
>else had experience with them (good or bad)? Also, in general, are recycled
>cartridges "inferior" to new cartridges?
Here in Belgium, we switched to recycled cartridges recently. Being one of
the biggest European hospitals, we have several hundreds of printers. As
the recycled cartridges slowly started to replace the old ones, we also
started getting a lot of complaints from the various departments. Most
complaints were about black smudges on the paper, or irregular blackness on
a page. The print quality is generally INFERIOR. Replacing the cartridges
with a 'new' non-recycled one ALWAYS causes the problems to go away
We are completely disatisfied with the recycled cartridges. Of course, this
is only one (European) firm, and perhaps there are better recycled toners
Karl Pottie
Macintosh Consultant for the University Hospitals of Leuven, Belgium
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 21:08:13 EST
From: Pete Tamas <GNOME%TEMPLEVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: SAM in the lab
> In a lab environment SAM Intercept has the advantage of
> preventing floppy-borne virii without requiring any effort
> by the user (except patience). On a private Mac it seems
> like overkill.
I agree. I wish to add that SAM conveys the image that you
are on top of the problem. I have had students complain
(erroneously) that they contracted a virus while taking my
class. However, no such complaints arise when we are running
SAM because it tells you it is checking. -Pete Tamas
Gnome@VM.Temple.EDU, Temple Univ, Philadelphia (betw New York & Wash DC)
Date: 26 Mar 1993 12:27:09GMT
From: "Alun J. Carr" <ajcarr%ollamh.ucd.ie@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: SIMM socket in my Centris 650 (Q)
On my Centris 650, in addition to the two VRAM SIMM sockets (labelled) and
two DRAM SIMM sockets (labelled), there is an unlabelled SIMM socket
parallel to the DRAM sockets, but of a size which which will take a VRAM
SIMM rather than a DRAM SIMM. The layout is something like this:
| VRAM |
| VRAM |
+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+
| D | | D | | D | | D |
| R | | R | | R | | R |
+---+ | A | | A | | A | | A |
| ? | | M | | M | | M | | M |
| ? | | | | | | | | |
| ? | | | | | | | | |
| ? | | | | | | | | |
| ? | | | | | | | | |
| ? | | | | | | | | |
+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+
Does anyone have any idea what this unlabelled socket is for? Cache SRAM
A. J. Carr, Mech. Eng. Dept., UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Internet: ajcarr@ccvax.ucd.ie or ajcarr@ollamh.ucd.ie
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 23:58 PST
Subject: Slide-show viewer for GIFs?
Hi all,
I borrowed a CD-ROM from a friend of mine that had a ton of GIFs on it, and
the only way I could look at them was to open them, ONE BY ONE, using a
GIF viewing program, or PhotoShop, or something like that.
My friend popped it into his PC, ran some little program, selected a
and it quickly zipped all the images onto the screen, waiting for a mouse
click or keypress before going on to the next GIF.
There HAS to be some Mac-based Slide-show type viewer for GIFs, hasn't there?
Having to open 600+ megs worth of GIFs, one by one, gets VERY OLD
VERY QUICKLY, as you can imagine.
Is there some free/shareware program or hack that does this?
Thanks in advance for any answers/comments/nudges in the proper direction!
Phil Jung
Graduate Research Assistant, Institute for Information Storage Technology
Santa Clara University.
Date: 26 Mar 93 20:17:18 PST
From: pgfitzgerald@ucdavis.edu
Subject: slide making hardware
This is my first posting, so I hope everything works.
I'm a cloner working in a lab who has a chance to spend
departmental money to buy a machine that makes color slides from
the pictures we make on our computers. I am mac all the way but
the possiblity is that someone in the department with a pc clone
may want to make slides also. A polaroid bravo is downstairs
but the computer guru is gone for a few days. What's the most
user friendly, program compatable, highest quality and all the
other questions I should ask.
I'd appreciate any advice, feedback and can post a summary if
the subject turns out.
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 09:46:47 PDT
From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: StuffIt Expander
In Regards to your letter <199303260246.AA11892@nwnexus.wa.com>:
> 1) in Preferences section one can choose about deleting originals,
> if I choose DELETE ORIGINAL I get the expanded file/folder only.
> If I check the DELETE ARCHIVE AFTER DECODING BINHEX box I get the expanded
> file/folder and the binexed file.
> I'm interested in both the expanded and the original compressed file while
> I want to discard the binexed file; Is there a combination of
> preferences options that can do this job?
Nope, you're stuck - it does make some sense, but not much, since
Original refers to an archive at all times, not a BinHex file even
when that is the Original file.
Hopefully Leonard will fix it in the next release of StuffIt
Expander. Much as I hate to say it, Downline was better in
terms of allowing the user to choose what it expanded and what
it did with the results. Too bad Downline can't handle nearly
as many formats as StuffIt Expander. Expander also has trouble
with watch folders on multiple volumes - it works great for me
if my watch folder is on my boot volume, but it never works at
all in Launch/Expand/Quit mode if the watch folder is on a
volume other than the boot volume. Leonard knows about that one
too, since it was driving me nuts, so I expect it will be fixed
in the next version as well.
cheers ... -Adam
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1993 02:26 GMT
From: Fergus Sullivan <FSULLIVN@vax1.tcd.ie>
Subject: System Software Memory Allocation Creeping Up (Q)
Problem: 7.1 System software RAM allocation starts session at c.1500K,
but creeps up by another 1,2 or even 3 MB within half hour of
Allocation does NOT drop back down.
I am NOT running SpeedyFinder or any other INIT/cdev that juggles
"Multi-Finder" memory allocation during file transfers etc. However, I am
running such old reliables as: Disinfectant 3.0, After DArk 2.0v, Extension
Manager 1.6, QuickTime 1.5, all Norton INITs and cdevs (except the Partition
one), Menu Choice 1.4 and SuperClock! 4.0.2. My hardware is a Classic II 4/80
wit 2 Mb of VM running. The system software sometimes even eats into the VM.
I've run TattleTale but then again I don't know what to look out for in terms
of System heap Space etc.
This is driving me nuts. Can anyone help to keep me sane?
***Is there any rule of thumb to spot which enhancements are eating up RAM?***
Fergus Sullivan. Trinity College, Dublin.
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 14:56:43 +0100
From: Elliot Bennett <Elliot.Bennett@europa.rs.kp.dlr.de>
Subject: TAR utility for Mac?
I've been asked to investigate the availability of a program that can
decompress unix "tar" files. Does such a thing exist for the mac?
As usual, much thanks in advance,
Elliot Bennett
DLR, Cologne, Germany
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 93 09:33:55 PDT
From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: tax rates
In Regards to your letter <199303250200.AA10246@nwnexus.wa.com>:
> Maybe SOME of you do. I don't think I've seen higher than 7%
> anywhere in the country, myself. Next door in New Hampshire,
> the rate is 0%. That happens to be where Mac Connection is.
> Here in Massachusetts, which was widely ridiculed as "Taxachusetts"
> a while back, it's only 5%.
When you add in local taxes Washington is at 8.25% and I believe NY
City is closing in on 9% (perhaps 8.75%)... But the NY State sales
tax is only 3% or something like that, so the rest of it comes from
county and city taxes...
cheers ... -Adam
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 19:28 EST
Subject: Text Processors
I've been reading with interest and frustration all of the recent posts
about the qualities of various word processors and text editors. Interest
because I've used most of these products, and frustration because people
are still recommending inferior products over BBEdit. Look, I've tried
almost everything at one time or another, including WordPerfect v1.0 thru
v2.1, MS Word 3, 4, and 5, Nisus, McSink (both pre and post-Vantage
versions, Vantage, Alpha, and I'm sure a few others that I can't
remember. I've experienced the frustration of not being able to open a
file because it was too large, or if it did open the application began
to crawl and would eventually crash, losing any changes I had made in
the meantime. And having said all this I want to proclaim to the net-world:
This is a fantastic program. It is a text editor, so it can't do styled
text, but it will open any size file (limited by available memory), it
has a fantastic, very fast multiple file search function, it is extensible
(so it can be modified if it doesn't have a feature you want), and...
If you haven't tried it, you're doing yourself a disservice. The author
of BBEdit states in his ReadMe file that his goal is world domination.
If any product deserves that, it's this one.
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 08:31:30 PST
From: hunter@s07.es.llnl.gov (Steve Hunter 423-2219)
Subject: Typing tutor for kids (Q)
Are there any typing tutor programs for the Mac designed for
children? There are 'cute' programs for the Apple II, but what about the
Date: 26 Mar 1993 13:50:55 -0500 (CDT)
From: Ken Wedding <KEWEDDIN@carleton.edu>
Subject: Under what rock?
Quote without comment (though it's hard not to comment)
"The bottom line is that...is a very useful collection of programs at a
reasonable price...It employs a couple of new file and application handlers
that make working with Windows more efficient.
"One is a toolbar, an array of buttons across the top of the screen...
"A cleverer advance (sic) is a screen metaphor called virtual
desktops...(which) are actually live icons, miniature desktops that hold
applications and active files...
"(This) uses a technology called object orientation...It is another
timesaver...(which) lends itself to an advanced feature called drag and drop.
"The suggested retail price is $179."
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 21:54:52 GMT
From: rik@world.std.com (Rik Ahlberg)
Subject: Voice Nav & Dragon Dictate
Has anyone had any experience using Articulate Systems' Voice Navigator II
as an interface to a Dragon Dictate system? I'm looking into solutions to
get away from the keyboard as I've come down with nasty wrist injuries due
to overuse at work.
I'll summarize back to the group.
Rik Ahlberg McKinsey & Company, Inc. voice 617-457-2080
rik@world.std.com Boston Office fax 617-457-2099
Date: 27 Mar 1993 12:13:54 -0600 (CST)
From: "William M. Porter" <WMPORTER@Jetson.UH.EDU>
Subject: What do I do with a TeX file?
I have been given a largish file in TeX format. The TeX codes don't
seem too obtrusive: I suppose I could edit the entire thing and remove
them without TOO much effort. But I understand that there may be a
way to use this file and retain the occasional formatting characteristics.
What do I need to do this? Is there shareware that will allow me to
do it, or would I need to consider buying a commercial package of some
sort? TIA.
Will Porter / University of Houston
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 93 00:57 CST
From: Dominik Hoffmann <HOFFMANN@macc.wisc.edu>
Subject: What is thick Ethernet?
that thicknet wiring typically has DB-15 connectors on either end.
1. Are those called AUI-connectors?
2. What does AUI stand for?
Thicknet wiring consists of twinax cable.
3. Is there a designation for it that's comparable to "RB-58"?
4. How do you hook up twinax to the DB-15 connectors?
Networking mailorder catalogs I've looked through offer Ts, terminators, etc.
for thicknet wiring. So far I haven't seen any Ethernet equipment that was
rigged for this standard. If it accommodates thick Ethernet it is typically
through a DB-15.
5. In which instances are those connectors used instead of the DB-15s?
I appreciate any help I can receive on this.
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 1993 14:30:25 GMT
From: kerr@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (Stan Kerr)
Subject: X Terminal software Demo?
Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
>Does anyone know where can I get from a demo of a good X terminal
>emulation software for the Macintosh?
>I am trying to convince someone to buy a Mac instead of a Tek terminal.
Try your local Apple dealer; see if they can get a demonstration copy
of MacX. You don't really want MacX, though, unless you also need the
underlying Mac functionality. MacX works, but it's not a stellar X
server; a Unix workstation or an X terminal makes a much better server
if that's all you want. Unless the Tek terminal can also function as an
X terminal, it seems strange to get it, since so many applications
nowadays are being written to support X. It all depends whether the
applications they will run support X or just Tek graphics.
If you do want to advocate a Mac X server, though, make sure they have
a Quadra with an ethernet connection, or they will hate you.
Stan Kerr
Computing & Communications Services Office, U of Illinois/Urbana
Phone: 217-333-5217 Email: stankerr@uiuc.edu
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 93 14:10:29 EST
From: memco@cns.nyu.edu (Matthew E. Merkelson)
Subject: Zapped PRAM has screwed up StartUpScreen (Q)
While trying to fix an unrelated problem, I zapped my
PRAM on the IIfx (System 7.0.1 with tuner) that I work on.
On restart, the Startupscreen came on b&w, then disappeared.
A second later, the extension icons began appearing in
256 color. When the bootup was done, and DeskPict loaded
the Startupscreen onto the desktop, it was its perfectly normal
256 color self.
I immediately went to the monitor control panel device and
reset the depth to grey b&w, color b&w and then 256 color, and
restarted. No change.
I then tried changing depth and then moving the monitor icon in
the monitor dialog (someone suggested this would reset the scrn
resource) Still no luck.
Someone else suggested doing all this but with the option key pressed.
I tried it and still no luck.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
End of Info-Mac Digest